Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Auto Insurance Tip

It is a great idea to reveiw your auto policy at least once a year. All it takes is a phone call or an E-mail to your agent to reveiw. You never want to assume that you have a certain coverage. Usually a person thinks they have a certain coverage and when they actually need it, they don't. It is a good idea to review your policies.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Got a DUI?

Getting a DUI and having your insurance change isn't a fun deal. There are many ways that you can adjust your auto policy so that it isn't such a hurt on your pocket book. Things like adjusting your dedubtibles are very common and lowering your liability limits is another. Some companies treat DUI's very harsh and other do not. Other questions may arise and I would be happy to answer them.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Auto Insurance Discounts

Driving Your Preimium Down

As an American Family Agent I can help make sure you are receiving all the prmium discounts you deserve. Ask me if you can qualify for these:

Auto and Home Discount
Auto and Life Discount
Air Bag Discount
Multi Vehicle Discount
Accident Free Discount
Switch and Save Discount
Early Bird Discount
Good Student Discount

If you are 50 years old or better you may be entitled to a lower premium under the 50+ Discount.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Auto Insurance

Exploring your options

An auto insurance policy is actually a combination of coverage that's designed to fit your life and your needs

- the type and value of the car you drive

- who's driving

- the level of protection you feel comfortable with

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wind/Hail Claims

Wind and Hail Claims can be rather bad. When a store does come through your town and you feel you have damage. It is best to contact your insurance right away, they can help assist you in matters of the damage. Also it is very wise to do quick repairs on leaks, to prevent further damage.

Good Luck to all during wind and hail season!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Auto Comprehensive Coverage

What is Comprehensive Coverage? Basically it is things you can't control that happens to your auto.
Comprehensive Coverage:
-Pays for accidental loss or damage to your insured vehicle from most causes except collision or upset (flipping the vehicle over)
-Provides up to $20 per day ($600 total on most policies) for transportation expenses if your vehicle is stolen. (On most policies)
Comprehensive Coverage Covers the following Perils:
Collision with Animals
Falling Objects
Glass Breakage

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Auto Insurance--Liability

A lot of people really do not understand there auto insurance policy. Liability coverage is just one part of many that are in a policy. The liability portion of an auto insurance policy provides payment for covered damages, up to the limits contained in the policy, if you are legally responsible for injury to or the death of others, or if you cause damage to their porpoerty in a auto accident. Also it protects household members while driving vehicles authorized in the policy. It protects others driving your vehicle with your permission and it protects you when you use most types of trailers with your vehicle. Damages arising out of the following covered losses and covered expenses are possibly included: Bodily Injury, Other Property Damage, First Aid Expenses, Court Costs, Damage to others Vehicles. Auto insurance is something a person needs to understand. That is why having an agent is key, due to the fact that the agent can make sure you are properly covered and explain to you why you need the coverage.